
Join us this week as we talk with historian Don Lattin about the British expatriate writers Gerald Heard & Aldous Huxley and their work with Eastern Mysticism and psychedelics. We’ll also pay a visit to Tim Dundon, aka Zeke The Sheik, Altadena’s composting master and self-proclaimed “Guru of Doo-Doo,” for a meditation on reincarnation and cosmic consciousness in the garden.

We’ll also discuss a child’s boycott of his school’s field trip to the Autry Museum, a proposal to reclaim South LA’s alleys as green space, Burlington Coat Factory to replace the Big Lots store at 7th and Broadway in Downtown Los Angeles, the first stage of implementation of the Broadway streetscape master plan, a Santa Monica resident offers the lament of an “urban villager” and UC Berkeley issues a report on L.A.‘s older concrete buildings. All this and more as Kim & Richard usher in the week of February 3rd, 2014.

Photo: Tim Dundon in his Altadena garden. Photo by Daniel Chamberlin

Closely Watched Trains & URLs for Podcast

Don Lattin’s website.

Distilled Spirits: Getting High, Then Sober, with a Famous Writer, a Forgotten Philosopher, and a Hopeless Drunk.

Tim “Zeke the Sheik” Dundon on Facebook.

Tim’s phone number: 626-794-1351

Kid boycotts Autry Museum field trip.

Reclaiming the alleys of South L.A..

The Burlington Coat Factory replacing Big Lots in Downtown L.A.

Broadway traffic lanes slashed for “Streetscape” plan.

From Santa Monica, the lament of an “urban villager.”

A list of “at risk” older concrete buildings in Los Angeles.

Feb’s LAVA Salon

And the Broadway On My Mind series returns in Feb.

March Crimelab

March’s LAVA Salon

Kim’s novel, The Kept Girl, is almost out in print

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