
The Blonde Rattlesnake, The Black Dahlia & The Future of Forensic Science — Sunday, March 8

WHEN/WHERE: The event begins at 12pm on Sunday, March 8, and check-in is at 11:30am at the Criminalistics Department of Cal State Los Angeles, which is located at The Hertzberg-Davis Forensic Science Center, 1800 Paseo Rancho Castilla, Los Angeles, CA, 90032 (map link).

PARKING: There is free parking available for guests at this event in the large parking lot in front of the Forensic Science Center. The entrance to the event is the set of doors to the left of the main entrance, near the snack shop. You can only enter the building from the side facing the parking lot.

This page is only the gateway for purchasing tickets. To get information about the event, or to share the link with interested friends, please visit the event page on the LAVA website.