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Episode #113: Pereira in Peril

MWD building Pereira 1963

MWD building Pereira 1963

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In this special mid-month episode, we’ll talk with Alan Hess, architect and architectural historian, about the imminent threat to two important William L. Pereira buildings: the 1963 Metropolitan Water District headquarters on Sunset Boulevard just west of Downtown, and the 1973 Times Mirror corporate headquarters at 1st and Broadway. Joining us is Leo Wolinksy, former executive editor at the Los Angeles Times, to discuss the possible fate of the Pereira building should the entire newspaper compound be sold to a developer. All this and more as Kim & Richard host a special episode for the week of July 15th, 2016.

Closely Watched Trains, Upcoming Events & URLs for Podcast

This Episode’s Interviews

Alan Hess’s website

Video: Alan Hess and Richard Schave visit the Metropolitan Water District headquarters.

Rare interior photos from the Los Angeles Times corporate headquarters.

The agenda for the next Cultural Heritage Commission meeting (7/21/16) includes the potential landmarking of the Metropolitan Water District headquarters. (PDF link)

The public can submit feedback by emailing:

Melissa Jones –

Los Angeles Department of City Planning

Office of Historic Resources

Upcoming Events

July’s Broadway On My Mind #15 Walking Tour

July’s LAVA Sunday Salon

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